Home/Column/Immigration/Process Comparison for a Work Visa Application in Japan
Yuko Mori


Yuko Mori

Consultant / Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist

Process Comparison for a Work Visa Application in Japan

July 18, 2023

To Apply for a Work Visa Yourself or Hire Someone to Apply on Your Behalf: Advantages and Disadvantages Explained

When it comes to applying for a work visa (=status of residence,) there are both advantages and disadvantages to applying independently or enlisting the help of an administrative scrivener (application agency). Though “Visa” and “Status of Residence” are distinct terms, we will use the term “Visa” as “Status of Residence” for convenience from here on out.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Applying for a Work Visa Yourself:


The primary benefit for a company or an individual who chooses to apply for a work visa independently is being able to avoid the outsourcing fee charged by an administrative scrivener. However, apart from this cost-saving aspect, there are limited benefits making the drawbacks significant.


Applying for a work visa independently presents several drawbacks, such as:

  • Language Barrier: Applicants may struggle with language-related issues.
  • Self-Management: The applicant must handle every aspect of the visa application, from documentation to progress tracking.
  • Time Consumption: Visiting the busy Immigration Services Agency without assistance can be extremely time-consuming.
  • Lower Success Rate: The probability of obtaining a visa without professional assistance is generally lower.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hiring an Administrative Scrivener:


Opting for an administrative scrivener’s services offers various benefits, including:

  • Overcoming Language Barrier: Language-related challenges can be addressed.
  • Professional Assistance: The scrivener manages the visa application process and gathers most necessary documents and checks for accuracy.
  • Time Efficiency: Avoid waiting for long hours at the crowded Immigration Services Agency.
  • Higher Success Rate: With a scrivener’s involvement, the likelihood of a successful visa application increases.


The primary drawback of hiring an administrative scrivener is the associated cost. However, when considering this option, also take into account potential waiting times at the Immigration Services Agency, the additional time needed due to more appointments, and the potential risk of application denial.

Considering the information presented above, whether to proceed with an independent application or hire an administrative scrivener is a decision that should be made based on your specific circumstances, weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.

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