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Kota Ikeda


Kota Ikeda

Consultant / Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist

Secondhand Dealer License in Japan

April 20, 2023

What is Secondhand Dealer License?

The Secondhand Dealer License application is submitted at the local police station of the jurisdiction’s prefecture or municipal government where the main business office is located. The application process follows the basic requirements specified by the law. However, each local police station may have its own specific rules and regulations. It is advisable to visit the local police station where the main office is to be located for an initial consultation and to gather the necessary information for preparing the application. It’s important to note that different legal implications arise depending on whether the application is made as an individual or as a legal entity.

Apply as a Sole Proprietor

When operating an antique business as a sole proprietor, an individual application should be submitted. The police department issues a secondhand dealer license to the individual owner of the business. In the event of the owner’s passing, the license becomes invalid. If the business is to be continued by the owner’s child or another individual, they must obtain a new license to operate the same business.

An application as a legal entity is made when a company intends to start an antique business. The license remains valid as long as the entity legally exists. The entity application requires the submission of supporting documents which include a resume, a written oath, a certificate of residence, and an ID document issued by the place of domicile for all board members. It should be noted that all directors and officers including auditors must submit the said documents.

Additionally, a copy of the corporate registry and articles of incorporation must be included in the application. The corporate registry should clearly state that conducting an antique business is one of the company’s purposes. Some police departments may have specific local rules that require a copy of a rental agreement for business offices located outside their own buildings.

Moreover, it is necessary to appoint a manager responsible for overseeing the business. The manager is also required to submit certain supporting documents, including a certificate of residence at the time of filing the application. Furthermore, it should be noted that each business office should have its own designated manager, and generally, a manager cannot simultaneously hold the position for multiple offices.

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