Tax saving of individuals in Japan, for especially foreigners.

興味深い記事を見つけました。For foreignersです。実は昔から存在はしっていましたが。外国人向けのものなので英語で記載します。

Tax saving of individuals in Japan, for especially foreigners.
Please feel free to contact us for more information or kinds of support.


・Resident of Japan basically has to declare worldwide income to Japanese tax office.
・If you get a gain on the sale or rental income by getting a house abroad, you have to report in Japan through submitting tax return every day.
・On the other hand, you can deduct loss on the rental of your property when you calcurate your income in Japan. This is a good chance for saving your income tax in Japan.
・Take advantage of the depreciation of property (excluding land) for saving income tax in Japan
・Therefore we will recommend used wooden house.

I will also mention about the detail. Please contact us at any time.

Also If you are interested in our Accounting and Law firm , please come to our English Website.

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